This is a dynamic container that is output by the default order of the connected list.
[% var collection_helper = data.lastLoopableCollection; %] [% if(collection_helper && collection_helper.length){ %] [% collection_helper.forEach(function( loopedItem, index ){ %] [% var tmpSearchableString = ''; %] [% var tmpVal = ''; %] [% var tmpCollectSearchData = new Array(); %] [% tmpSearchableString = "{"+ tmpCollectSearchData.join(",") +"}"; %]
[% if(eval(""Show Tooltip"" || false)) { %]
[%=get('','Fallback text', {'loopedItem':loopedItem})%]
[% } %]
[% }); %] [% } %]
This is a dynamic container that is initially sorted by the title.
[% var collection_helper = data.lastLoopableCollection; %] [% if(collection_helper && collection_helper.length){ %] [% collection.sort(function(a,b){ let valFirst = get('',null,{"a":a}); let valSecond = get('',null,{"b":b}); let dir = 'asc'; if (new Date(valFirst)!="Invalid Date") { valFirst = new Date(valFirst); } if (new Date(valSecond)!="Invalid Date") { valSecond = new Date(valSecond); } if (valFirst valSecond) { if (dir=="DESC") { return -1; } else { return 1; } } else { return 0; } }); %] [% collection_helper.forEach(function( loopedItem, index ){ %] [% var tmpSearchableString = ''; %] [% var tmpVal = ''; %] [% var tmpCollectSearchData = new Array(); %] [% tmpSearchableString = "{"+ tmpCollectSearchData.join(",") +"}"; %]
[%=get('','Fallback text', {'loopedItem':loopedItem})%]
[% }); %] [% } %]